Was Abu Dharr from the Shia’h
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Was Abu Dharr from the Shia’h

Question and Answer with Sheikh Sharofudeen Gbadebo Raji Questioner: My question is that I heard someone say Abu Dhar was from the shia’h, so i do not understand that statement. He said after the prophet died he joined the shia’h. Sheikh: All praise belongs to Allah. Firstly, know that everyone who is not upon the…

Can we observe (solatul) Eid behind an Imam who observed Eid in line with Hanafi madhab?
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Can we observe (solatul) Eid behind an Imam who observed Eid in line with Hanafi madhab?

Questioner: Can we observe (solatul) Eid behind an Imam who observed Eid in line with Hanafi madhab? Dr Sharof: The question he asked is very important. You know if someone resides in European countries or American continent, one will witness varieties of things. Like the Hanafiyah, they are wide spread in those European countries. Even…